Mesa, Arizona’s Preferred Addiction Hospital

One of the many risks of substance use is the development of a substance use disorder, which is more commonly known as addiction. Addiction is a chronic, progressive disease. If they don’t receive effective addiction treatment, people who have substance use disorders can experience many negative effects, including physical harm, emotional distress, and social isolation. 

As noted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), addiction is not evidence of a moral failure or an absence of willpower. Addiction is a complex, and potentially fatal, condition.  

Thankfully, addiction is treatable. People who receive appropriate inpatient addiction treatment at a facility like Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, can learn how to manage their symptoms and achieve long-term recovery. We provide services for adolescents ages 11-17 and adults age 18 and older. 

Signs & Symptoms of Addiction

When a person develops an addiction, they may experience drastic changes in how they think, feel, and act. Some of the symptoms of addiction may be difficult to recognize at times, while other addiction warning signs may be more noticeable to friends and other loved ones. 

Signs and symptoms of addiction can include: 

  • Having an overwhelming urge to use alcohol or drugs 
  • Spending a significant amount of time finding and using drugs or alcohol 
  • Spending a lot of time recovering from the use of the substance 
  • Needing to use drugs or alcohol every day, or even multiple times per day 
  • Continuing to use drugs or alcohol even after having negative experiences because of using 
  • Using drugs or alcohol alone or being secretive about using 
  • Lying to loved ones about the amount or frequency of their substance use 
  • Using substances when it is clearly dangerous to do so, such as when driving a car  
  • Feeling the need to use drugs or alcohol in order to feel pleasure  
  • Needing to use substances to cope with stress 
  • Feeling like they need to use drugs or alcohol just to get through the day 
  • Trying and failing to end or reduce their substance use 

Anyone who shows signs or experiences symptoms of addiction should speak with a qualified professional. When an adolescent or adult receives care at our addiction treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, they can learn to manage their symptoms and regain control of their behaviors. 

Addiction Statistics

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse have reported the following addiction statistics: 

  • More than 20 million Americans received a substance use disorder (SUD) diagnosis in 2019. 
  • In 2019, only 10.3% of people who had an SUD diagnosis got treatment. 
  • Addiction is most common in young adults, affecting approximately 15% of adults ages 18-25. 

It was also reported that between April 2022 and April 2023, there were more than 111,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States. 

Effects of Addiction

It is difficult to overstate how negative effects of addiction can impact a person’s life. Each individual who struggles with addiction will be impacted in a unique way, but everyone who develops a substance use disorder is at risk for experiencing significant harm.  

The potential effects of addiction can include: 

  • Poor performance in school or at work 
  • Academic failure 
  • Job loss 
  • Chronic unemployment 
  • Serious medical problems 
  • Financial distress 
  • Legal problems, including being arrested and incarcerated 
  • Development or worsening of mental health concerns 
  • Strained or ruined relationships with friends and family members 
  • Social isolation 
  • Loss of hope for the future 
  • Overdose 
  • Thoughts of suicide 

Anyone who has been experiencing these or other effects of addiction should seek professional treatment. When you get care at our addiction rehab center in Mesa, Arizona, you can reduce the likelihood that you’ll experience ongoing negative effects of addiction, and you can begin to heal from damage that has already been done. Receiving treatment can save your life. 

What Happens During Withdrawal?

When a person develops an addiction to drugs or alcohol, their body gets used to having that substance in their system. When they try to end or reduce their drug or alcohol use, they may experience a variety of distressing symptoms as the substance leaves their body. This is known as withdrawal. 

The nature and intensity of withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on a variety of factors, including which substance the person has been using, how long they’ve been using the substance, and if they’re abusing more than one substance.  

Common symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal include: 

  • Powerful cravings for the substance 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Insomnia 
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Severe abdominal cramping 
  • Muscle and bone pain 
  • Tics or tremors 
  • Agitation 
  • Depression 
  • Paranoia 
  • Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there) 
  • Delusions (believing things that are not true) 

If a person tries to get through withdrawal on their own, the physical and psychological pain can quickly overwhelm them. They may believe that the only way to get rid of that distress is to use the substance again, ultimately keeping them trapped in the cycle of addiction.  

At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we provide medical detox services so that we can help patients go through the withdrawal process safely and with as little discomfort as possible.  

Benefits of Addiction Treatment

The many benefits of getting inpatient addiction treatment can include limiting your risk for experiencing the ongoing negative effects of addiction, learning how to regain control of your behaviors, and developing skills that can prevent relapse. 

Another major benefit of inpatient addiction treatment is discovering that you are not alone. Addiction can be very isolating. You may feel that no one understands what you’re going through, or that no one could possibly help you. You may also feel like you can’t share what you’re going through with anyone out of fear that your friends or family will judge you or be angry with you. But when you enter an addiction treatment center like Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, you will discover that there are other people who can empathize with the struggles you’re facing. You will learn that you are truly not alone, and you can find power in becoming part of a supportive community. 

Recovery from addiction is a lifelong effort. When you get the comprehensive, personalized addiction treatment that’s right for you, you can become better prepared to deal with life’s challenges in a healthy and productive way without feeling like you have to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope.  

Getting care at our Mesa, Arizona, inpatient addiction treatment center can help you gain a solid foothold in early recovery while preparing you for continued success in the months and years to come. 

Therapies Used at Our Arizona Addiction Treatment Center

Addiction treatment at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital in Maricopa County is a truly personalized experience. When you come to our inpatient addiction treatment center, you will meet members of our team who will give you a thorough medical and psychosocial assessment. During this assessment, you may be asked questions about your medical history, your substance use history, and if you’ve had any previous treatment for addiction or psychiatric concerns. Gathering this information from you gives our team a chance to learn about your history so that they can put together an individualized treatment plan based on your needs. 

Your customized addiction treatment plan at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital may include: 

  • Detoxification services: Medical doctors and addictionologists provide medical detox services at our Mesa addiction treatment center. Detox is appropriate for patients who come to us with drugs or alcohol in their systems and need help going through the withdrawal process. Patients normally remain in detox for seven to 10 days, but the length of time can vary based on each person’s specific needs. Patients may participate in other aspects of therapeutic programming while in detox when they’re able to. As part of our detox services, we can prescribe Suboxone for patients who are going through withdrawal from opioids. Whether a person receives Suboxone is determined on a case-by-case basis.  
  • Basic medical care: While we are not able to provide IVs, wound care, or other types of intensive medical care, our team can provide care for minor medical conditions on an as-needed basis. A patient’s medical needs are assessed at the time of admission, and all medical services are provided by physicians and nurses. If a patient needs more intensive medical care, we can refer them to an appropriate medical care provider. 
  • Medication management services: If a person requires medication as part of their treatment, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses can provide medication management services. This means that they will distribute the patient’s medication and monitor its effectiveness. 
  • Group therapy: Group therapy is the primary type of treatment patients receive while at our Arizona addiction treatment center. Group therapy sessions are held approximately four times each day and are led by licensed therapists. In these sessions, patients may have an opportunity to discuss many different topics, including relapse prevention, coping skills, life skills, and goal setting.  

We pride ourselves on having a team of highly experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing clinically excellent care for all adolescents and adults who come to our inpatient addiction treatment center. This team includes licensed professional counselors, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers, addictionologists, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and behavioral health specialists. 

Throughout your time at our inpatient addiction treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, your team will monitor your progress and, when necessary, adjust your treatment plan to ensure that you continue to receive maximum benefit.  

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital.