Mesa, Arizona’s Preferred Mental Health Hospital

Millions of people experience the symptoms and effects of mental health disorders. Also often referred to as mental illness, mental health disorders impact people of all ages and genders.  

As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported, approximately 1 in 5 adults in America are living with some type of mental health disorder, and more than 1 in 5 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 will struggle with a debilitating mental illness at some point in their lives. The CDC also reports that the effects of mental illness can include physical, emotional, psychological, and social harm. 

The good news is that most mental health disorders are treatable conditions. When you receive comprehensive, personalized mental health treatment from a reputable provider like Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, you can learn to manage your symptoms and achieve an improved quality of life.  

Our hospital provides inpatient care for adolescents ages 11-17 and adults age 18 and older. 

Signs & Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders

The signs and symptoms of mental health disorders can vary greatly depending on which type of mental illness a person is suffering from. Things such as a person’s lifestyle and the environment they’re living in, as well as if they are struggling with one or more co-occurring mental health concerns, can also impact which types of mental health disorder symptoms a person will experience. 

In general, the possible signs and symptoms of mental health disorders can include: 

  • Dramatic changes in mood and energy levels 
  • Hypersomnia (sleeping too much) or insomnia (not being able to sleep) 
  • Significant shifts in appetite, resulting in weight gain or weight loss 
  • Acting recklessly 
  • Being uncharacteristically violent 
  • Withdrawing from family and friends 
  • Losing interest in things the person used to enjoy 
  • Feeling excessive anger or sadness 
  • Acting impulsively 
  • Frequently thinking or talking about death and dying 
  • Refusing to go to school 
  • Not going to work 
  • Failing to pay bills 
  • Apparent lack of attention to grooming or hygiene 
  • Inflated or diminished self-esteem and sense of self-confidence 
  • Delusions (believing things that are clearly not true) 
  • Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there) 
  • Depersonalization (feeling detached from thoughts, feelings, and body) 

A person who exhibits any signs or symptoms of a mental health disorder may be in crisis and should talk to a qualified behavioral health professional. Completing a thorough assessment and receiving an accurate mental health diagnosis are important steps on the path to improved mental health. 

Mental Health Statistics

The following mental health statistics were reported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): 

  • Approximately 57.8 million adults age 18 and older in the United States, or just under 22.8% of the nation’s adult population, are living with a mental health disorder. 
  • Women are impacted by mental illnesses more often than men. Statistics show that 27.2% of American females struggle with mental health disorders, compared with 18.1% of males. It has been suggested by some professionals that this number could be skewed because women tend to be more likely to seek help for mental health concerns than men, but that has not been confirmed. 
  • Among adults, mental health disorders are most common in the 18-25 age group. A reported 33.7% of people in this age group had a mental health disorder in the past year. 
  • In 2021, experts estimated that more than 14 million adults, or about 5.5% of the adult population, had mental health symptoms that met the criteria for a serious mental illness as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 
  • The National Institute of Mental Health also reported that approximately 49.5% of adolescents ages 13-18 had a type of mental illness. This number was based on data provided by the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement.  
  • Among adolescents who had a mental health disorder, 22.2% experienced severe distress and impairment as a result of their symptoms. 

Possible Effects of Mental Health Disorders

When a person needs but does not receive mental health treatment, they remain at increased risk for several negative effects of mental health disorders. Untreated mental illness can negatively impact a person’s physical, emotional, financial, and social well-being. 

In general, the possible effects of mental health disorders can include: 

  • Strained or ruined relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues 
  • Separation or divorce 
  • Poor performance in school 
  • Academic failure 
  • Inability to find and keep a job 
  • Financial difficulties 
  • Physical health problems due to poor self-care, self-harm, or engaging in other dangerous or reckless behaviors 
  • Onset or worsening of co-occurring mental health disorders 
  • Substance use and addiction 
  • Social withdrawal and isolation 
  • Homelessness 
  • Poor self-confidence and low self-esteem 
  • Loss of hope for the future 
  • Self-harm 
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors 

It is difficult to overstate the potential negative effects of mental health disorders. However, when you get effective mental health treatment at a reputable inpatient mental health treatment center like Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, you can begin to heal from any effects of mental illness you’ve already experienced.  

While you’re receiving care at our inpatient mental health treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, you can learn ways to manage the mental health symptoms you’ve been struggling with, and you can develop skills and strategies that can help you reduce your risk for experiencing future negative effects. 

Benefits of Receiving Mental Health Treatment

The many benefits of inpatient mental health treatment include learning about the disorder you’ve been suffering from, understanding how to manage the symptoms you’re struggling with, and developing the skills that can help you live a more productive and satisfying life. 

Another benefit of mental health treatment is realizing that you are not alone. Depending on what type of mental health symptoms you’ve been experiencing, you may have felt a sense of isolation. At our Mesa mental health treatment center, you will discover how many others care about you and are prepared to provide meaningful support and encouragement when you need it. 

At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, the benefits of inpatient mental health treatment include personalized care, comprehensive support, and detailed aftercare planning to help promote continued progress.  

Therapies Used at Our Arizona Mental Health Treatment Center

Individualized mental health treatment is a hallmark of care at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital. When you enter our inpatient mental health treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, you’ll meet with a registered nurse and clinician to complete a medical and biopsychosocial assessment. The purpose of these assessments is to give our team a chance to learn as much about you as possible so that we can best understand your treatment needs. Our team will gather information about your psychological, medical, social, and educational or professional background. They may also ask questions about any history of substance use and whether you have previously received treatment for mental health concerns. The information they gather will then be used to create a personalized mental health treatment plan.  

Depending on your unique history, strengths, needs, and treatment goals, your customized mental health treatment plan may include: 

  • Basic medical care: We can provide basic care for minor medical conditions while patients are receiving treatment at our inpatient mental health treatment center. These services are provided by physicians and registered nurses on an as-needed basis. Before starting treatment, patients receive an initial medical assessment to determine what their needs may be. We cannot provide IVs or wound care, and if a patient needs more intensive medical care, we will refer them to an appropriate medical provider. 
  • Medication management services: Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses provide medication management services for patients who may need to have medication included as part of their treatment plan. These professionals distribute the medication and then monitor its effects. 
  • Detoxification services: We offer medical detox services for people who come to our Mesa mental health treatment center with substances in their system and need help going through the withdrawal process. These services are provided by medical doctors and addictionologists and typically last seven to 10 days. Patients can participate in therapeutic programming while in detox if they are able to. Additionally, we can prescribe Suboxone for patients who are going through withdrawal from opioids. The use of Suboxone is determined on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Group therapy: Group therapy is the main type of treatment we use at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital. Group therapy sessions are led by licensed therapists and held approximately four times each day. Many different topics may be discussed during these group therapy sessions, including goal setting, life skills, relapse prevention, and coping skills. This can also be a great time for patients to give support to and receive support from other patients who may have had similar experiences. 

The team at our inpatient mental health treatment center is made up of professionals who have experience in different types of mental health and addiction treatment. These professionals include psychiatrists, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, addictionologists, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and behavioral health specialists.  

At our Mesa, Arizona, inpatient mental health treatment center in Maricopa County, we’re committed to being a steady source of support for people in need throughout our community. If you or someone you care about is in need of treatment for mental health concerns, we encourage you to contact us today.  

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital.