Mesa, Arizona’s Preferred Anxiety Disorder Hospital

High-stress situations such as job interviews, public speaking, and work deadlines can make many people feel anxious. However, if feelings of worry, discomfort, and stress rarely go away and persist even when you are not going through a difficult time, you may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are different from general worry because they can involve more persistent, long-lasting symptoms that interfere with a person’s quality of life.  

Receiving anxiety disorder treatment demonstrates strength, courage, and hope. At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we are committed to providing personalized anxiety disorder treatment to help our patients achieve improved health and live more satisfying lives. We offer clinically excellent inpatient programming for adolescents ages 11-17, adults age 18 and older, and senior adults age 55 and older. 

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are characterized by overwhelming and disproportionate fear, worry, panic, and related distressing emotions. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), there are 11 anxiety orders. A few of these are: 

  • Social anxiety disorder: Social anxiety disorder involves an intense fear of being embarrassed or judged by others in a social situation. This fear can severely impact a person’s desire and ability to participate in social activities. 
  • Separation anxiety disorder: Those who have separation anxiety disorder have a persistent fear of being away from home or from an attachment figure.  
  • Panic disorder: Panic disorder involves recurrent panic attacks that typically reach their peak within minutes. Panic attack symptoms can include intense surges of fear, a racing heart, shortness of breath, and a sensation of choking. 
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Those who have generalized anxiety disorder experience persistent, overwhelming worry about everyday problems. Often, people who struggle with GAD experience symptoms for months and sometimes even years. 
  • Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia is the fear of settings and situations that may make a person feel trapped or helpless. People who have agoraphobia may have difficulty leaving their homes due to a fear of public spaces and crowds. 

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Understanding the signs, symptoms, and possible effects of anxiety can help you take your first steps toward better health. Anxiety disorders affect people differently. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that you or someone you care about is struggling with anxiety.  

Common behavioral symptoms of anxiety disorders include:  

  • Feeling tense, irritable, or restless 
  • Avoiding people and situations that may cause anxiety 
  • Withdrawing from friends and family 
  • Fatigue 

Physical symptoms of an anxiety disorder may include:  

  • Muscle tension or achiness  
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep  
  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Sweating 
  • Dizziness 
  • Gastrointestinal distress 
  • Frequent headaches 
  • Shortness of breath  
  • Choking sensation  
  • Trembling or shaking  

The mental symptoms of an anxiety disorder can include:  

  • Trouble concentrating  
  • Persistent worry 
  • Feeling out of control 
  • Fear of death 
  • Unwelcome, persistent thoughts 

Anxiety Disorder Statistics

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America and Mental Health America reported the following statistics on anxiety disorders in the United States:  

  • About 40 million adults age 18 and older, or 18% of the population, struggle with anxiety disorders every year.  
  • Six million adults age 18 and older, or 2.7% of the population, suffer from panic disorder.  
  • Social anxiety disorder impacts 15 million adults age 18 and older, or 2.7% of the population.  
  • Between January 2017 and April 2019, more than half of the 273,519 individuals who self-identified as LGBTQ through a mental health screening tool reported experiencing severe symptoms of anxiety.  
  • Within the same time frame, 62% of transgender individuals reported experiencing severe symptoms of anxiety.  

Potential Effects of Untreated Anxiety Disorders

Living with an anxiety disorder can seriously harm an individual’s ability to function in their day-to-day life. Negative effects that can occur if an individual does not seek help for an anxiety disorder include:  

  • Strained relationships: Symptoms of an anxiety disorder like excessive worry, fear of social settings, and communication difficulties can take a toll on interpersonal relationships. 
  • Work difficulty: Anxiety can affect someone’s performance at work, leading to decreased job satisfaction. 
  • Increased risk for substance abuse: People who have untreated anxiety disorders sometimes turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms they are experiencing.  
  • Physical health problems: Anxiety disorders can lead to health problems like digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and muscle tension. 
  • Difficulty completing daily household tasks: Constant worry and fear can lead to difficulty fulfilling basic daily tasks.  
  • Suicidal ideation and death by suicide: In severe instances, people who are experiencing overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and worry can be at a greater risk for suicidal ideation and death by suicide. 

It is not too late to get the help you need. At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we understand the profound impact anxiety disorders can have, and we provide comprehensive, personalized anxiety disorder treatment that can help adults experience life-changing improvements. 

Benefits of Receiving Anxiety Disorder Treatment

An untreated anxiety disorder can have a devastating impact on virtually all aspects of a person’s life. If you need but do not receive comprehensive anxiety disorder treatment, you remain at elevated risk for a variety of negative outcomes.  

An untreated anxiety disorder can affect your ability to form and maintain healthy relationships and perform to your greatest potential in school or at work. Setbacks in these areas can lead to unemployment, financial difficulties, family discord, and social isolation. These outcomes can push you into a downward spiral of worsening mental health and continued distress. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  

When you receive effective, personalized anxiety disorder treatment at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, you can reduce your risk for continued harm and begin to heal. Our hospital is a safe and supportive place where you can receive clinically excellent anxiety disorder treatment services from experienced and compassionate professionals.  

Therapies & Services We Offer in Our Anxiety Disorder Treatment Program

At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, a multidisciplinary team of professionals provides care in a safe and comfortable setting that is designed for healing. Our team delivers therapies and services that are tailored to every individual we treat.  

Before you receive care at our anxiety disorder treatment center, you’ll complete a thorough evaluation that gives us insight into your background, symptoms, and therapeutic goals. Based on the information we gather during the evaluation, we can create a personalized treatment plan for you. At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, your personalized treatment plan for anxiety may include: 

  • Medication management services provided by our psychiatrists and medical team 
  • Four daily group therapy sessions led by our experienced counselors 
  • Basic medical care provided by our team of doctors and nurses 

Patients at our anxiety disorder treatment center can benefit from receiving comprehensive care and peer support that helps them grow and heal. At our hospital, we incorporate evidence-based modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) into our treatment programs. CBT and DBT can help people identify and change thought and behavioral patterns that may be negatively affecting their ability to make progress. In our inpatient programming, experienced counselors use these treatment methods in group therapy sessions, where patients have the opportunity to learn helpful coping strategies and form a foundation for ongoing healing.  

Continuing Care After You Leave Our Anxiety Disorder Treatment Center

Receiving inpatient anxiety disorder treatment can be an essential step toward improved health. But at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we understand that your journey will continue long after you’ve completed your time with us. For this reason, we place great emphasis on preparing you for continued success.  

The day you enter our anxiety disorder treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, your team will begin to prepare for your eventual discharge. While you’re focused on fully engaging in the evidence-based therapies and practices that are included in your personalized anxiety disorder treatment plan, we’ll be developing a detailed aftercare plan.  

Depending on your unique strengths, needs, and goals, your plan may include a referral to a step-down program or traditional outpatient therapy, information about community-based services in your area, and details about support groups that can help you and your family.  

If you believe that you or a loved one may benefit from receiving care at our inpatient anxiety disorder treatment center, please reach out to our team today. Our admissions staff is available 24/7 to answer your questions about our services and help you begin the admissions process. 

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital.